Alternates polygon mesh structure. Like converting rectangles to rhombs.
Affected region is controlled with Fields falloff.
Implemented as Modifier only.
Supports Restriction tag.
Alternates polygon mesh structure. Like converting rectangles to rhombs.
Affected region is controlled with Fields falloff.
Implemented as Modifier only.
Supports Restriction tag.
Time update geometry update dependency.
Default option to work with. In most cases geometry rebuilds on frame update.
Enforces to rebuild geometry at each frame update.
Restrict to rebuild geometry only in case of frame update.
If object is provided here then it and all its subtree would be used as the source of splines instead of generator's own children sub-tree.
Enabled — Source object would be hidden from both render and viewport.
Due to Cinema4D specific issues, this approach is worse than just hide object by deactivating source object's native Viewport Visibility and Render Visibility.
Geometry's generating space
Geometry is generating in local space of the generator, so it would depend to Latticer object transform.
Geometry is generating in world space, so it would be independent of Latticer object transform.
Handle source spline(s) controls points.
Original spline knots are taken as the source.
Same as having or making spline editable with the least points and point-tangents.
Source spline deformations are missed in that case.
Final source representation (linear spline for spline object) is taken as the source.
Same as applying Current State to Object to the source geometry.
In some cases this method doesn't give proper shape if dynamics is applied to the source geometry.
Final source representation (linear spline for spline object) is taken as the source.
This method is faster than Points and allows to get final representation of the source geometry with applied dynamics transformations.
Usually it's required to drop source into Object field and put generator lower than the source object in the Object Manager because of Cinema4D's internal calculation order.
New polygons are constructing by connecting neighbor edge middle-points.
New polygons are constructing by connecting polygon points with polygon's center point.
Mesh re-structure also re-organize UV so there are issues at UV borders at closed surfaces.
>If enabled — algorithm creates UV overlaps, so stitches are less notable.
Enabled — mesh geometry outlines (open edges) would be excluded from the execution.
Enabled — regions borders (created by Fields or Restriction tag) would be excluded from the execution.
Geometry creases takes into account during execution.
Creases wouldn't be calculated and might be deleted or dissolved.
Creases are calculated based on the Phong tag settings and corresponding component would be excluded from the execution.
Creases are calculated based on the Angle value and corresponding component would be excluded from the execution.
Defines minimum angle between neighbor polygons to be counted as crease.
Enabled — Phong Edge breaks would be excluded from the execution.
Fields falloff to control Latticer's effect region.