Multi-step extrusion for polygons.
Extrude steps and direction are controlled with Fields falloff.
Implemented as Generator and Modifier.
Modifier supports Restriction tag.
Multi-step extrusion for polygons.
Extrude steps and direction are controlled with Fields falloff.
Implemented as Generator and Modifier.
Modifier supports Restriction tag.
Time update geometry update dependency.
Default option to work with. In most cases geometry rebuilds on frame update.
Enforces to rebuild geometry at each frame update.
Restrict to rebuild geometry only in case of frame update.
If object is provided here then it and all its subtree would be used as the source of splines instead of generator's own children sub-tree.
Enabled — Source object would be hidden from both render and viewport.
Due to Cinema4D specific issues, this approach is worse than just hide object by deactivating source object's native Viewport Visibility and Render Visibility.
Geometry's generating space
Geometry is generating in local space of the generator, so it would depend to Extruder object transform.
Geometry is generating in world space, so it would be independent of Extruder object transform.
Defines maximum extrusion steps.
Level's height distribution graph.
If this option is enabled, the connected polygons will stay together during the extrusion, assuming they do not exceed the Maximum Angle relative to one another.
If Preserve Groups is enabled, polygons not exceeding this angle to each other are kept together. Polygons exceeding this angle are broken apart during extrusion.
Defines extrusion method.
Each step is executed with native Cinema4D Extrude tool.
Separated by Maximum Angle groups of polygons remains visually separated.
Each step is executed with native Cinema4D Smooth Shift tool.
Separated by Maximum Angle groups of polygons connected with additional polygon bridge.
Extrusion offset.
Value is divided between levels based on Distribution graph.
Defines extrusion direction.
Polygons are extruded along their normals.
Polygons are extruded along Vector axis.
Polygons are extruded based on Field sampled direction.
Define axis in local object space.
Setup direction fields.
It's often required to set Direction -> Length -> Normalize in specified Field object to get expected results (otherwise Field's value would also affect result).
Minimal extrusion offset (absolute value of extrusion).
Parameter is designed to work with Base Cap parameter to avoid singularity.
Enables Min Thickness feature.
Creates base level cap to close flat-surface backside holes.
No caps.
Full surface backside cap.
Inset polygons before each extrusion step.
Enable inset at this phase.
Inset polygons during each extrusion step.
Not available for Smooth Shift mode.
Enable inset at this phase.
Inset polygons after each extrusion step.
Enable inset at this phase.
If newly created points or edges meet when the Inset offset value is increased, this option defines whether or not they should merge or move beyond this limit. In most cases this option should be enabled. Otherwise a lot of overlapping polygons can be created.
Controls Inset distribution across levels.
Distribute offsets between levels equally.
Distribute offsets between levels based on Graph.
Inset distribution graph.
Rotate polygons before each extrusion step.
Enable rotation at this phase.
Rotate polygons during each extrusion step.
Enable rotation at this phase.
Rotate polygons after each extrusion step.
Enable rotation at this phase.
Controls Rotate distribution across levels.
Distribute rotation between levels equally.
Distribute rotation between levels based on Graph.
Rotate distribution graph.
Controls level's extrusion completion.
Control level completeness with Shift Graph and Shift Offset for this graph.
Control level completeness with main Fields.
Level's value is taken as an average between all polygons values on this level, even if level's polygons aren't on the same island.
Control level completeness with Custom Field.
Level's value is taken as an average between all polygons values on this level, even if level's polygons aren't on the same island.
Level completion graph.
Offset Shift Graph.
Creates Polygon Selection tag for the base level.
Creates Polygon Selection tag for all level caps.
Creates Polygon Selection tag for sides.
Creates Polygon Selection tag for inset before extrusion.
Creates Polygon Selection tag for inset after extrusion.
Creates levels ID weight map Vertex Map tag.
Fields falloff to control Extruder's levels region (and optionally their completeness).