
PowerExtruder is a field-based polygon extruder with the variety of the tune and animation settings.

PowerExtruder works with tris, quads and n-gons:

PowerExtruder works carefully with the existing base object's UV coordinates:

PowerExtruder also extend base object selections to the final mesh:

PowerExtruder works fine with nested PowerExtruders. So you can extrude from the extruded mesh, restrict parent generators to specific selections, and apply subdivisions:



I would appreciate if you'll grab your copy of the plugin from my Gumroad page
Last update: version 0.5.2 from 26-09-2020

Extract plugin into application plugins folder or into the user's plugin folder (see below)

Click 'Open Preferences Folder...' button

Restart Cinema4D app and enjoy

Plugin is compatible with Maxon Cinema4D R20, R21 and S22

Object properties

Levels 0..999

Amount of extrusion levels (extrude iterations)


Grow strength profile from base to last level

Strength Offset -100..+100 %

Grow strength profile offset (useful for the animation)

Extrusion Mode

You can select from the following three modes (each corresponds to built-in Cinema4D methods):


The extrusion takes place along the Normals of the selected surfaces; the average value is evaluated from all the Normals to be extruded.
In this mode "Extrude Inner: With Extrude" mode is not working.


The Polygons will be taken from its initial position, its size will be modified and moved in the direction of its Normals (or in the opposite direction, if desired).

Smooth Shift

Smooth Shift is very similar to the Extrude tool. Selected surfaces will be moved in the direction of their Normals. However, the defined Maximum Angle value will be used to determine if a new connecting surface should be created between polygons (for those of constant size) or if the surface will simply be extruded (whereby the polygon’s sizes will change). In this mode "Extrude Inner: With Extrude" mode is not working.

Extrusion -∞..+∞ m

This is the distance that the extruded polygon will have from its initial position (in the direction of its Normals).

Extrusion Profile

Extrusion profile from base to last level

Max Angle 0..180 °

If Preserve Groups (see below) is enabled, polygons that do not lie at an angle to each other in excess of this value will be held together. If the angle exceeds this value they will be torn apart during beveling.

Preserve Groups

If enabled, connected surfaces will not be torn apart during beveling if the angle in which they lie does not exceed the Max Angle value.

Extrude Inner


You can select from the following two modes:

Before Extrude

Firstly extrude inner is executed, and then normal extrusion

With Extrude

Extrude inner and normal extrusion executes together (some sort of bevel operation)

Offset Mode

You can select from the following two modes:

Fixed Distance

Polygons will be scaled during extrusion. The scaling is defined by Offset, whose effect is absolute when set to Fixed Distance.


Polygons will be scaled during extrusion. The scaling is defined by Offset, whose effect will be in relation to the original scale when set to Proportional. If surfaces of differing sizes are beveled, a value of 100% will result in all surfaces simultaneously reaching the null point (when 2 opposing edges approach each other, they will collide).

Offset -∞..+∞ m / -100..+100 %

This is the general unit of measure for the extrude inner width, i.e., the smaller the Offset value, the smaller the polygon or corner resolution. The Offset value can be limited in size by enabling the Limit option. As soon as points/edges are congruent they will be merged.

  • Offset: -35m
  • Offset: 0m
  • Offset: 35m


If newly created points or edges meet when the Offset value is increased, this option defines whether or not they should merge or move beyond this limit. In most cases this option should be enabled. Otherwise a lot of overlapping polygons can be created.

  • Limit is on
  • Limit is off

Use Extrude Profile

If selected Extrude Inner will use same profile as Normal Extrude

Inner profile

Inner Extrusion profile from base to last level

Level Fields


First off: Read Maxon documentation about Fields - what they are and how they’re used.

Fields falloff used to define extrusion levels amount per polygons or polygons groups.

If we represent brightness as field strength as follows:

...then the more brighten is polygon the more extrude levels it would have:


Restrict to Selection

If you have created a Polygon Selection Tag, you can drag it into this field and PowerExtruder would be limited to this selection.

If selection name is provided but doesn't exist in children hierarchy - no result would be generated.

Disconnect Selection

Disconnect polygon selection before plugin execution

Use Custom Base Level number

By default level numbering starts from the 0. Enable this option to enter custom base level number.

Base Level Number 0..+∞

Base level would start from this number, so in selections instead of C0, C1, ... you would get C{X}, C{X+1}, ...

Subdivision 0..256

The number of subdivision steps to be applied. Proceed with caution — the number of surfaces (or the number of points), and therefore the RAM required, for any object rises dramatically with each increase in this value. For triangles and quadrangles, with each extra subdivision step a polygon is divided into four surfaces.

So, if the object initially has three surfaces, a single subdivision results in 12 surfaces, a second subdivision results in 48, a third in 192 and so on.

For n-gons, a point is created in the center of the n-gon; edges are then created that run from the center point to the n-gon’s original corner points. The new polygons are made up of triangles and quadrangles.

Smooth Subdivision

If this option is enabled the object is subdivided using the Subdivision Surface formula. Point positions that already exist are modified to round the structure of the surface. If this option is disabled, existing point positions are maintained and the surface is not smoothed when subdividing.

Limit to Selection

If this option is enabled subdivision would be limited to the provided Restrict Selection.

Generate N-gons *

This is a headache. You might get unpredictable bad mesh, so you're warned.
If your Power Extrude is restricted to a selection, "Disconnect Selection" option is disabled and you have subdivide value other than zero, you'll get triangles around the subdivision.
If this option is enabled plugin would try to remove unwanted triangles for you.

Normal Move -∞..+∞ m

Level polygons are moved along their Normals after each iteration step.

Move Graph

Use this graph to move polygons along its extrusion.

Normal Scale -∞..+∞ %

Level polygons are scaled perpendicular to their Normals after each iteration step.

Scale Graph

Use this graph to scale polygons along its extrusion.

Normal Rotate -∞..+∞ °

Level polygons are rotated around their Normals after each iteration step. The Normals of each individual surface are used as the rotation axes.

Rotate Graph

Use this graph to twist polygons along its extrusion.


If you want to assign different materials to the level tops and sides, use these tags to restrict the materials accordingly (this also works without previously making the PowerExtruder object editable).

All Caps

All caps as the single selection from level 1 to the end

End Caps

Only caps as the single selection where extrusion ends

Per Cap

All caps as separate selection tag from level 0 to the end


Side polygons as the single selection

Internal Selections

These are hidden selections, you'll see them only if you make 'Current State to Object' on your plugin. But originally it exists, you can use selection names in materials or other places where you need to provide selection names instead of selection tags.
Available selections: 'S', 'CA', 'CE', 'C0', 'C1', ... 'C{level count}'

Internal All Caps

All caps as the single selection from level 1 to the end

Internal End Caps

Only caps as the single selection where extrusion ends

Internal Base Level Cap

Level 0 cap as selection tag

Internal New Levels Caps

All other level caps as separate selection tag from level 1 to the end

Internal Sides

Side polygons as the single selection